Sunday, July 13, 2008


1. Beginner class went pretty well this week. Last week's class was tough but the students seemed to pick up the material better today. Plus every time we start a new class we have a mix of new and old students and it takes a couple of weeks for everyone to start feeling comfortable with each other. (I'm still working on remembering everyone's names! I have a bad case of mommy brain!) Today everyone seemed to click and it was a lot of fun.

2. The same friend who helped us out on Friday came and jump-started us again. It's nice to know you can count on people! (Hopefully the car will go to the shop in the morning!)

3. This morning when I picked up the money I had found yesterday, I discovered it was R$300! (It wasn't money that we had lost, it was money for a specific purpose that I had put "in a safe place", which usually means I can't remember where it is. Anyway, the purpose was served so the money can now be used freely.)

4. Jackson was well-behaved today during English class. He spent the first part of class in the walker and the rest of it napping. What a blessing to have a kid that lets us get some work done!

5. Today we sat down and started trying to figure out our furlough schedule. We are so blessed to have so many awesome people to see. And we're blessed that we're able to make this trip!

As I wrap up a week of listing five blessings at the end of each day, I can definitely say that it has been a good exercise. I spent my days looking for blessings. When bad things happened, I did my best to recognize the blessings in them. Because, really, it's been a doozy of a week--I lost my debit card, our car died twice (once while out), Russ got sick and I'm stressed out from trying to plan furlough. But those aren't the things I go to sleep thinking about. At the end of the day, I've focused on the people I got to spend time with and the people I love, what a blessing my son and husband are, how God has worked in my life and french toast waffles.

I don't know if I can keep up posting this every day but I'll at least try for once a week!


Anonymous said...

ThankUOnceAgain!Iloveyour5remarks GOAL,ALONGw/Jackson'sWesternpicture

Anonymous said...

ShowingYourEnglishStudentsAFunTime,WHILEhostingNEWCOLLEGEhelpers,sweetson5monthsALMOST?DRESSINGhim4CUTE picture4AmericanWesternPARTYtheme,
CAR.Thanks4SPEAKERfromCofCDisaster relief,visitsw/NM&TXfriends&VBS2day