Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Tonight I am thankful for:

* A wonderful trip to a (different) grocery store today, where I discovered lychee drink, pecan chocolate chunk cookies and chocolate croissants.
* The mountain of tortillas that Russ and Randy spent the evening making. They're for a fajita night we're having next week with the McClures.
* Jackson.
* Our WiFi is finally set up in our apartment. (Thanks, Randy!)
* Russ.
* Time with good friends talking about things that matter and things that don't.
* Pizza Hut Super Supreme Pizza. Sometimes it's worth the splurge.
* Pizza Hut Mozzarella Pizza. See above.


Anonymous said...

Yea!4theArrivalOfPizzaHut!!Luv'd Jackson'sANIMALsoundZ!WheatHarvest
HasBegun!LARIAT CREEK'sHASsomeOF our kids@IntermediateCamp.Summer
heat has also STARTED!!(100 degrees

Anonymous said...

LycheeDrink;pecanCHOCOLATEchunkCOOKIES!MountainsOFtortillas-&FAJITA night w/theMcClures!YEA4theQUIREYS!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
