Tuesday, August 26, 2008

getting around to it

Sleeping baby in lap.

Typing with my right hand.

Feel incredibly guilty about not posting recently.

Apparently unable to use pronouns.

What we've been up to:
  • Inaguration of new building--about 80 people--cake, ice cream, good time
  • Took JT to a birthday party. Another one tonight

  • Team strategy review--two days reflecting on what we've done and need to do next
  • We've been having 25-30 people in my English class on Sundays
  • Furlough is almost here--less than two weeks--so much to do
  • Alicia is going to have a baby any day now


Anonymous said...

WHEN I read your "post" my heart feelsAPPRECIATION...ANTICIPATION..&GRATITUDE...glad yourVISIT isSOON!

Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

Thanks for reading and commenting on our blog! Your Jackson is adorable! Congratulations on surviving the first 6 months with flying colors : ) I am saying a prayer right now for your furlough time, that you'll get a little rejuvenation and not just exhausted. Looking forward to seeing your Portrait Innovations pictures!