Thursday, December 18, 2008

While our friends and family have been dealing with snow, ice and sleet this week, we've had our own flurry of diapers and Pedialyte, trips to the pediatrician and emergency room, BRAT diet and probiotics. My fingers are crossed, but I think he's on the upswing now. Don't worry, it's nothing serious--looks like just a run of the mill case of diarrhea.

But I have the luxury of saying that. As "rich" people, living in a developed area, with health insurance and immediate access to hospitals and doctors, a case of diarrhea is, for the most part, inconvenient. If Jackson lived another life, it could have killed him.

So last night, as I changed yet another diaper, all I could think was how blessed we are.


Ryan and Katie said...

like they always say....Nothin like a good case of diarrhea to make you remember your blessings...I think they say that right?

Anonymous said...

WhenPaulADVIZEDTimothy-AlittleWine4theStomach'sSake,HeALSOknewGODgrewbestsSolutions-ANapple/DAYperserved2vinegarADD1Tw/Honeyw/H204weakSips2coatStomach4viralANYTHING&4throat. KEEPNsmallBABYfoodjar2add2your1st morningSipH2O,EACHday&B4CROWDS;B4visits4GERMexposure.GODheals.Germs&
bacteriaDIEnHISamazingCREATIONsThankU,God!THANKsHONEYBEE,AppleTree,Or apricotpersimmonTomatoSPinachORANGe!IFweCOULDhonorU&putU1st!Thanks,RussVal&Jackson-EachDayURpartof"ThinkABOUTwhateverIsLovely&aGOODreport,discussion@workMayYOUBblessedExceedinglyAbundantlyABOVE&BEYONDallthatUask,THINK,DREAMthanks4sharingTHEjourney!GLADhe's WALKNitw/U!FoundBARRY'S4YR-OLDhand print,w/HelpingHAndsMakeHappyHEARTS&IthinkOFwatchingSTEVE&ROBBYthatAGEGladMike&Julie/Matt&LauraFOXRCOMINGthruAppreciatinQuireyHospitality.Grateful4yourParents-Thanks4yourHUGS &AlltheEFFORTS!!

Anonymous said...

NotsureIFit'sTHEpreserved-orPER SERVED2WINEBUTitIShighACID-94.6%or96.4%100%&natural-NOTtheGallonsuv ARTIICALLYFLAVOREDappleciderVINEGARtheysell-It'sNOTtheSAMEatALL!justDROPPEDaStraightPinINtheLaptop
STUCKunderTHEbeginningletter-Yea!ItMoved-forWhatFUN!WiLLhaftaSEEif IT'llFALLout,ORmove2anotherSPOT!BUTweREJOICE.WINDisSOSTRONG2day,BUTwe'reGLAD2hearJACKSON isMUCHbetter2day!THANKuLord!

Anonymous said...


Amanda said...

Way to have perspective!

Hope he feels better soon!

Heather A said...

Glad to hear JT is feeling better! Miss you guys! I hear I missed quite a Sunday yesterday! By the way, thanks again for the pageant pictures. Everyone here loves them!