One Sunday morning a few months ago, they were sitting outside when we got to church. He had definitely been drinking (it was nine o'clock in the morning) and it was obvious that they had both had really hard lives. They disappeared but a couple of months ago they showed up again and started coming regularly. Geraldo started studying the Bible with Randy and Maria Lucia sat in from time to time.
Midweek, we found out that Geraldo had decided to be baptized. We were so excited. The baptism was scheduled for Sunday after worship.
But that's not all--on Saturday, Maria Lucia decided that it was time for her to be baptized as well!
So that would make a great ending to the story. But there's something else...something HUGE!
You see, Geraldo and Maria Lucia are a sweet couple and they've been together for a while. But they'd never gotten around to getting married. As they thought about their new lives in Christ, they realized that their living situation wasn't what God wants. So they decided to follow up their baptisms with a wedding!
We had some decorations from a previous wedding and Jenn picked up some flowers and cake and we threw a nice little wedding together. Geraldo and Maria Lucia were so blown away by the way they were treated. They couldn't stop thanking us. I told them that now that they're part of our family in Christ, it's our job to take care of them!
Please join us in prayer for our new brother and sister. Pray that they will strive to honor all the commitments they made on Sunday. Pray that we can find ways to help keep them strong in their faith and their marriage.
One other cool thing about Sunday was that it was our ninth wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe nine years have passed already! (I would post some old picture of us but I can't seem to find one on our hard drive.)
This is what it's all about, isn't it. God is so good.
Mom T.
What a fantastic anniversary and Christmas gift! Isn't it wonderful how God works!
WONDERFUL!ONEinChrist+ANNIVERSARY! &NOWsharingYOU&lifeTogether-2inOne!
THANKsLord!GreatBLESSINGs!CONGRATS!&HAPPY9thAnniversary!praiseGod4all HeDOES!+Todd&MeganWILLjoinTHE"wed"-
Larry&Karen!ThankU,COCHENOURS!Glad4yourEXAMPLE!WeRblessed!ThanksRuss& Val!WeAPPRECIATEyourCOMMITMENT2GOD&
eachOTHER,Jackson,yourCONGREGATION;SALVADOR;theNEEDsOfOURworldEachday EACHcountry,everyTHOT!hugs-onward&u
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