We've got a little lull in our Christmas celebrations and I wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone a merry Christmas! We've had two out of three present opening sessions (one via Skype with the Quireys, one by ourselves) and we're waiting for the Turners to wake up so we can open more presents with them watching the webcam. (I have to say that I'm tempted to call and wake them up--for old times' sake!--but I know they wouldn't be as amused by it as I would be! Anyway, it means Jackson has time for a nap before we talk to them.)
Christmas is one time when the differences in our `family traditions are blatantly obvious so we have had to reach a compromise. Last night we had Christmas eve dinner Quirey-style, with maple-glazed pork and roasted vegetables. This morning we had more of a Turner-style breakfast with french toast, bacon and mandarin oranges. (Although for the breakfast to be truly reminsicent of my childhood there should have been many candy canes consumed as well!)
We'll spend the rest of today enjoying new traditions, like going to the pool. The weather's been unseasonably cool (Oh no! 85! Could it be?!?) and rainy but today looks like it'll be a little better.
Whereever you are, whoever you get to celebrate with, may it be a wonderful day, full of love and blessings, as all over the world people are stopping to remember our Savior's birth!
Hoping3rdTRYworks!HAVEtried2SEND4twoHOURS!BLESSEDbyYOURgraciousLIFE-choices...?lives?centuriesOFhome4theHOLIDAYS"&hope4ANYfamilyDESIRin honorChristw/MATURITYvsSPOILED"mywaYorTHEhighwaySUCHaCUTEPICTUREofJACKSON,w/santaONhisCHRISTMASOUTFIT!PRECIOUS!LOVEDyourcompromiseEXAMPLE
Look at those beautiful eyes! Merry Christmas!
What a sweet face!!! :) Love you guys, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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