Friday, May 23, 2008

Two casts is too much fun

Yes, I have proven everyone right about gringoes and futebol. I have had both feet casted and x-rayed in the past six months. Thankfully, my current injury was only ligaments and not broken bones. My doorman said that I should take up baseball!

What I really wanted to say is that my son is awesome. His mom is an even bigger hero than she was before, and I cannot imagine how many paid staff it would take to do her job. My mom and dad have been so sweet and understanding of our commitment to raise Jackson in Brasil, and I will never be able to say how grateful I am for that.

There are many friends and family members that are kinda down right now; please pray for them and all the loved ones on your prayerlist. I know that we all have lots of things to do, but it is only possible if we ask God to do the heavy lifting. We begin our renovation on the new location tomorrow; I have never been more electrified and freaked out at the same time! We need some mountains to move, first with our incredible members, and then with the new friends we are making in the neighborhood of Boca do Rio (the mouth of the river). We pray for comfort from God to come while we work and create a new place for people to be transformed.
Thanks, and keep the homefires burning.


Anonymous said...

THEpictures sentSNDAY.iLOVEchecking
theexcitementUSHARE-Xcept4the2cast PART.hugJT!Ampraying4U-yourGOALS&

Anonymous said...

alongWILSONstreet.PrettyCOLORS.Debbie'sCREPE MYRTLE,alsoSURVIVEDwinter

Anonymous said...


Amanda said...

You had to have both legs put in a cast??? Wow! You guys have been through a lot this last year!

Anonymous said...

Monday was Barry's 10th BDay,roads BECAMEamuddyCHALLENGE-W/a bit of HAIL/RAIN/STORMY WEATHER

Anonymous said...

thankfulSTORMcloudsLIFTED; ASKeternalFATHER2guideUSA