Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Diapers Have Been Purchased

Yes, the unthinkable has happened. I thought my birthday made me feel different, or the first time we had an ultrasound and there was definately a person in there. But THIS tops all of the other weird feelings, hands down. We watched Lamaze dvds and washed baby mitts and did many other useful things (I still have to build a changing table; it will come to pass) and yet the diapers seemed much more important that those other things. At first I thought "so begins the worst 3 years of my life" then quickly changed WORST to TOUGHEST. But enough with the belly ache; we are doin great!


ddturner said...

You know, you may change your opinion about the next three years being the toughest of your life once you parent a child from, say 13 to 15! There are some difficult moments in the early years, but a whole lot of sweetness too. And they adore their daddy-- teenagers don't always! You'll be a great daddy.

Mom T.

Anonymous said...

Thinkof u,knowing the joyheaded your wayWill FILL NanaJOY's cup2 Overflow!Prayinghealth,rest,peace & strength4the months--&yearsahead!May the Lord hold u close,as u welcome your own firstborn!!!entry. Looking down the hill by the Creek,where I bro'tBarry,10yrs ago,May 26.Happy Memories.Hunting camouflage,basketball,baseball,football,guns-good student,preparing 4LTC.Am SO grateful for your parents;&ways theyhelp!Blackwell can hardly wait2meet him. JacksonTurnerwill soonhave uhunting 4hissox.You'llturn aroundwhilebringing souls of his friends&Neighbors&bconvertinBoys.
&thinking of telling them about hunting!...quail turkey deer, pheasant...What Fun you will have!!!SEB

Anonymous said...

Guess it's been a long time since I've shared the pending joy/fear of new hearing you both blog. The diapers are for sure the down-side to a little person, BUT the joys, smiles, hugs and just the miracle of a new life that God has created via the 2 of you is amazing and far outweighs dirty diapers!

Love you all three....Robin G.

Anonymous said...

yea!! Thrilled4Y'ALLw/JACKSON'S arrivalcallcamewhilegathered4VIP supper,served by B'wellTeens4allth oldFOLKS-followedbyCREATIVE play-w/dogMichaelQuirey,elgato-LINDA Turner,Larry Cochenour-as G'ma. BarbaraShoemaker-g'daughter.Lanny readparts-toldHUNTERJimKincaid His "job"2stealBarbara,alongw/all the$MONEYDarrelGingerich,chair,GailMoore,B.Fletcher-table,youth-Fun-Max Shoemakerglad2Play-part2rescue wifeBarbara.Funev'ning-goodfood& fellowship-w/morerain-2daybreakfom schools4Pres'Day.NanaenjoyedSunday eveningVIPsupper&Mondaytostada-time&applepie/pecangatherin&break4GreenTea