Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today was as always a full day. This morning we had several of our "long-lost" members in attendance, people who haven't be showing up lately. And we were thrilled to see one of our former members and his family, who we haven't seen since the move. Antonio is blind and it's just too hard for him to get out to our new location. It makes us sad, because they're wonderful people. Jackson fell asleep during the FIRST SONG at church today, which has never happened. He woke up about ten minutes after church ended. Then we ran to the mall with Heather to get a bite to eat. Heather and I tried a new salad restaurant. For those of you familiar with Brazil, you can imagine my excitement to get a "Tex Mex" wrap on a whole wheat tortilla with low fat Ranch dressing. After lunch we headed back to the church for English class. Today we had more sign-ups which brings our grand total of students for this term up to 71! Amazing! It seems to be an enthusiastic bunch and I look forward to getting to know them. After class, it was back home to make dinner and play with Jackson. Sundays are always full, always crazy and always a blessing.


Jennifer Schroeder said...

That's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Yea!ExcitedABOUT71students!Praying4u;OurArea/asTonkawaFriendsSEEK2HonorGodSharingtheLord;studyMissionPrayerTime;Glad2SEEyouHaveAGroupw/ EnthusiasticApproach2yourClasses-AndTrainingWhatABlessing2makeNew friendsAsUShareGod;LearningAbout HisIncredibleGifts&Provisions!Hugs!

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