Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Radio Silence (or something like it)

This is not a "I'm so sorry I haven't blogged" post. I've written a few of those in the past and I know them well.

No, this is a "I'm so frustrated that I haven't been able to blog" post.

We moved into our new apartment almost three weeks ago and we're still waiting to get our internet working. In theory we have service but no one has been able to make it work yet. So we wait.

In the grand scheme of things, it's a small problem. Nothing like famine or slavery or even swine flu.

Nope, this is what we call a "first-world problem".

But it's really irritating.

Hopefully things will be resolved in the next week or so. It'll be over a week, likely, because we'll be too busy in the next few days to deal with it.

We just did five days with Ron and Georgia Freitas from Continent of Great Cities to talk about strategy stuff.

On Thursday we'll load up the car and head up to the town of Maceio, which is about 500 kilometers away. We're going to a gathering of people from churches all over the Northeast of Brazil. There are 12 people from our congregation going, which amazingly is the exact same number of seats (including tiny flip-up seats) in the two cars that are going. It's going to be a long ride! But we're really looking forward to it.

Then we get back and we have our annual team dynamics session with Jerry and Gail Heiderich.

There's more stuff than that, but hopefully I'll have internet by then and will be able to tell you about it. See? That's faith!

In the meantime I ask for your prayers:
-as we travel.
-for the TWENTY people signed up for our church's new theology course.
-for our internet issue.

See you guys next week!


Anonymous said...

MycomputerDEALisLIKEyours!I'm soTHANKGFUL4MIKE'S HELPTODAY!cHECK W/ YA LATER!GOTTAdoA LITTLE massage/reflexology-S.Bachman-fingerprinted a couple of timestoday

Cris said...

Hey Val! I'm bummed to know that you are going to be at the congresso in Maceio. I was going to go, but at the last minute our vehicle bailed. It would have been great to see you! Have a great time! -Cris Carpenter

Sam said...

Hey guys.
My name is Sam, I am Brazilian but moved to Scotland when I was 17. My dad came as a missionary.
I enjoyed reading your blog and just wanted to say that if you need any tips on cultural things or whatever you can send me an e-mail, I'm glad to help with whatever I can.
I'm going to bible college in september and right now working as a youth worker so I'm very much interested in missions.
God bless, I'll be praying.

Anonymous said...
