That Friday we drove down to the Myrtle Beach area. We love getting to spend time with our friends at the Grand Strand church. On Saturday night we got to visit with one of the small groups and Russ preached Sunday morning. We enjoyed some AWESOME Mexican food with our hosts, Chuck and Barbara, and then headed back to Raleigh. The next day we spent a little more time with Grandma and then flew back to Kansas City.
When we set our furlough schedule, I tend to think in terms of what is possible and not what may or may not be a good idea. As it was, I felt like I edited the "possible" but I think that next time we'll do even less and try to spread it out more. This leg of the trip we covered around 3500 miles in about a week. That was way too much. Fortunately we had vacation coming up.
1 comment:
Glad2QUIREYlife-BLOGaBitAfter TRYINGhalfanHOUR2login(NOluck!:)GladJacksonenjoyedBuster.BarrywantsseveralMOREpuppies:)likethe2dogsnextdoor.GladheplayedWELL2day@Lamont.scoredSeveralBASKETS:)BEATCovington-Douglas.36-6?
GLAD2checkedNw/NANAafterdriving2THOSEgames-alsoHadAbatstory2SHARE, fromtheFarm;BUTexhaustionWINS2night!GLAD2TRAVEL"vicariously"THRU severalFRIENDS'MISSIONblogS+myKIDS
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