Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our Family is Lots of Fun

We said goodbye to the 90-year-old great-grandfather today, as he left for Ontario. The American great-grandmother left earlier this morning. I (Russell) was one of those lucky people that grew up with one of my great-grandparents, and to see my son playing with six of eight was very special. We are thankful to everyone, including our team, who let us come and share Jackson with all of his family. We still have a week in Winnipeg as the leaves turn yellow, then it is back to America for the final month of travel. Patience to all who wait for our visit. We are having so much fun.


Heather A said...

Glad you guys are enjoying some great time with family! We miss all of you tons and looking forward to having you back! Enjoy the cool weather...it'll be hot when you get back here! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

SuchBLESSINGS!!GodGIVESsuchSWEETGIFTS!ILOOKFORWARD2MYTexasMimms/Leefamilyreunion-justACOUPLEofWEEKS.MARYhadaGREATblessing,YESTERDAY.Her health&vision haveCONTINUED2KEEPherCHALLENGEd!4teachingall theLADIES'CLASSES--4DIFFERENT TIMES EACH WEEK,MAKING COPIES,PRINTING SCRIPTURESwhere the answers are found,ETC. Earlier this month, her eyesWEREN'Tpassing the eye exam.SHEhad a little fever&diverticulitus,etc.It gavePeggyTurveyanoppportunity:2partcipateinprayer4Mary-&be partofASKING God'sASSISTANCE4thechallengesof health;her vision,teachingClasses4LADIESatLAKEWOODVILLAGEretirement center, back in Mary's Hometown-let's see-sort of in the same area ofMIKE&DEB'sWEDDING--just a shortFEW years back?!

Anonymous said...

Dr.SteveLaValley's4pmGIFTs2B'well. Grateful4lunch/hour-SUPER8Motel- mem'rylaughtermoments:4-5p.m.-incl.
yesterday'sRECOGNITION;w/friends,asSTEVEsharedW/Blackwell.GPaMikeADDeda few brief momentsSUCCINCTLY wrappingTHE HOUR of tho'ts2honor Steve.MQPERSPECTIVEsharedMorelaughterENCORAGEMENTforWISEchoices-nutrition;exercise:JT,NANAjoycontinuesTAXdetailwork,preparing4SanAnton
whileBOW-huntEXPERTISE-MEANSmuch(:PracticeREQUIRED.goodeye-sight-clearvision.GOOD BOW,straight ARROW.SEEred!GLAD G'MA Deb had nice mealLASTnighT-THANKU4theBEAUTY
OFtheSEASON!FatherGOD!Help our NATION2recognizeYOU!blessRUSS&VAL&JT,asthey SHARE U!

Anonymous said...

...HOPEthatRUSS,Val&JACKSONhave aGREATevening!