Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The Mighty Hunter

So with all the craziness of the combination of Jackson's birthday and his burn, I totally neglected to mention one major thing: he's walking now. He took off the day after his birthday party and is practically running now. I think he really enjoys the freedom that comes with walking, especially since it means that he can get away from Mom and Dad!

Which is what happened yesterday morning when he and Russ were playing downstairs. He took off around the corner and Russ found him with a new toy:

This officially makes Jackson a better hunter than Samson is. When there are lizards in the kitchen, Sam just barks at them.

(Speaking of Samson, the poor little guy has some sort of internal fungus. He's got to take medicine for 21 days and be given special baths, etc. Oh, and we're not supposed to let Jackson touch him. How to you keep a one-year-old from touching his puppy?!)


Heather A said...

Great picture! Jackson was so cute with his lizard!

thegermanygirl said...

Yay for lizard-catching! I want one! ;o)

But I'm sad for your sick puppy. That's not fun!